How do I store my sourdough loaf?

Your loaf was baked fresh the Saturday you picked it up. With no preservatives in it (as it should be), I recommend slicing + freezing whatever you do not enjoy that day. Sliced + frozen sourdough stays freezer fresh for 3+ months and can easily be brought back to life by toasting slices as needed.

Can I fresh-freeze and revive full sourdough loaves?

Yes! This is a great option is you have a dinner party or event you know you’d like fresh-baked sourdough for. Simply wrap the entire sourdough loaf in plastic and freeze. Before your event, allow the loaf to thaw at room temperature (i.e. take it out in the morning and plan to enjoy that evening). Once thawed, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Once your oven is hot, unwrap the loaf, quickly run it under the facet (Weird, I know! Trust me — you want to add moisture back to your loaf) and place directly on the rack for 10-15 minutes or until desired crust color is achieved. There you have it! Fresh-baked sourdough at your fingertips.

What’s the best way to slice my sourdough loaf?

When using a stand bread knife, I have found that standing the bread up on it’s side is a great trick for easy, even slices. Alternatively, a bread saw (like this one) is a great option for more uniform slices.

How do I store sourdough pastries?

Your sourdough pastries were baked fresh the Saturday you picked them up. Like the sourdough loaves, these sourdough pastries have no preservatives in them and have a shelf life of a few days covered and stored at room temperature. Like the sourdough loaves, I recommend freezing any pastries you don’t enjoy soon-after Saturday. I recommend wrapping individual pastries in plastic/in a freezer-safe bag. Thaw pastries at room temperature or place in the microwave for a short time to have sourdough pastries at the drop of a hat.